Friday, December 31, 2004

New Years Resolution

Some of my Blackhawk buddies and I often were watery-eyed when we heard the holiday hit song of 1943 and 1944 - Bing Crosby singing, I'll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams. Despite unhappy holidays, nearly all of us who served in WWII were proud, determined and properly armed and equipped to help defeat would-be world conquerors Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy and Hirohito in Japan. At age 80, I'd gladly volunteer for such highly moral duty again. But if I were eligible for service in Iraq, I would do all I could to avoid it. I would have done the same during the Vietnam War, as many of the politically connected did. "Support Our Troops" is a wonderful patriotic slogan. But the best way to support troops thrust by unwise commanders in chief into ill-advised adventures like Vietnam and Iraq is to bring them home. Sooner rather than later. That should be our New Year's resolution.

Al Neuharth, USA TODAY Founder

Who the Hell is Sue Nommy?

The ever-vacationing Bush initially pledged 15 million in aid for the 80,000+ victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami, then when everybody realized that he couldn't care less about dying foreigners his handlers reacted to the pressure by upping the pledge to $35 million. Bush's inauguration, one of the saddest events in US history, will cost more.
The man is doing SO much for America's image around the world, and the country's not even embarrassed. That's a bad sign, a very bad sign.


On November 2, 2004, over 59 million Americans voted for him (according to the media)...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to retain a President who was quoted as saying that Osama bin Laden (the mastermind behind the deaths of over 3000 people) is "not important"...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the slaughter of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi men, women, and children over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the second class citizenship of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to re-elect a President with the worst job loss record since Herbert Hoover and the worst budget deficit in history...but NOT ME!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Desmond Tutu Can't Believe It Either.

"You said George Bush should admit that he made a mistake. Were you surprised at his re-election?

[Laughs] I still can't believe that it really could have happened. Just look at the facts on the table: He's gone into a war having misled people - whether deliberately or not - about why he went to war. You would think that would have knocked him out [of the race.] It didn't. Look at the number of American soldiers who have died since he claimed that the war had ended. And yet it seems this doesn't make most Americans worry too much. I was teaching in Jacksonville, Fla., [during the election campaign] and I was shocked, because I had naively believed all these many years that Americans genuinely believed in freedom of speech. [But I] discovered there that when you made an utterance that was remotely contrary to what the White House was saying, then they attacked you. For a South African the deja-vu was frightening. They behaved exactly the same way that used to happen here [during apartheid] - vilifying those who are putting forward a slightly different view."

The new democracy.


Bush Calls It His War on Terror, Bin Laden Laughs

"Decades from now, historians will likely calmly discuss the war currently raging in Iraq, and identify oil as one of the key factors that led to it... Just don't expect to hear this sort of discussion now, however, when it might actually make a difference. In fact, a year-and-a-half into the U.S. occupation of Iraq, with the carnage over there spiralling ever more out of control, don't expect media discussions of Iraq to stray much beyond the issue of 'fighting terrorism.' Indeed, while ordinary people around the world apparently suspect Washington was motivated by oil, not terrorism, there continues to be a strange unwillingness in the mainstream media to probe such a possibility. Perhaps it simply sounds too crass. It implies that those at the very top of the U.S. government willingly sacrificed countless lives to further a cause that has nothing to do with liberty or democracy." Surely Bush, who delighted in branding his fraternity brothers, would never stoop so low?


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

"80,000 Dead - So? I'm on Vacation," says Bush

"The Bush administration more than doubled its financial commitment yesterday to provide relief to nations suffering from the Indian Ocean tsunami, amid complaints that the vacationing President Bush has been insensitive to a humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions.

Although U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland yesterday withdrew his earlier comment, domestic criticism of Bush continued to rise. Skeptics said the initial aid sums -- as well as Bush's decision at first to remain cloistered on his Texas ranch for the Christmas holiday rather than speak in person about the tragedy -- showed scant appreciation for the magnitude of suffering and for the rescue and rebuilding work facing such nations as Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Indonesia."

The guy's just all heart.


Government FOR the people? That was 150 years ago.

"Faye Wachs said she was impressed by the efforts of the Thai government and the International Committee for the Red Cross, but 'she was appalled at the treatment they got' from the U.S. government, her mother said.

At the airport in Bangkok, other governments had set up booths to greet nationals who had been affected and to help repatriate them, she said.

That was not the case with the U.S. government, Wachs told her mother. It took the couple three hours, she said, to find the officials from the American consulate, who were in the VIP lounge.

Because they had lost all their possessions, including their documentation, they had to have new passports issued.

But the U.S. officials demanded payment to take the passport pictures, Helen Wachs said.

The couple had managed to hold on to their ATM card, so they paid for the photos and helped other Americans who did not have any money get their pictures taken and buy food, Helen Wachs said.

'She was really very surprised' that the government did so little to ease their ordeal, she said."

Monday, December 27, 2004

As the Dollar Approaches Free Fall...

"The question that begs to be asked is whether or not the world actually believes that US military action in two countries with no history of democracy - or military forces that can defend against anything - constitutes a situation whereby a clearly defined exit strategy is even possible. Does the world see Afghanistan and Iraq as long term and potentially permanent drains on the fiscal and military resources of the USA?

What we are seeing today is an appalling indifference by Americans to economic issues that affect the US economy and the consequences we will all face because of that indifference.

An example of the attitude bred by all the above is the three minutes given by most US news media today to the death of more than 21,000 people in a natural catastrophe and the 12 minutes given to how you can exchange your gift certificates or sell them on a new web site.

The public in the US simply does not care about anything but themselves, their pocketbooks and their personal pleasures."

Jim Sinclair (free [and recommended] membership)

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Bush Doesn't Need a Pension, Why Should You?

"President Bush is on a mission to radically change a program that for generations has helped keep elderly Americans out of poverty.

He claims his proposal to partially privatize the Social Security system is intended to strengthen it.

But Mr. Bush appears to be following the playbook of libertarian and conservative ideologues who have for years plotted to gradually dismantle the retirement system.

We wish instead that the president had the same moderate instincts his father displayed in 1990 when he was pushed by Democrats to reduce the payroll deduction. The first President Bush said, wisely: 'The last thing we need to do is mess around with Social Security.'"


BUSH'S WAR not America's War

"The Butcher's Bill:
5,000 U.S. soldiers dead, 25,000 wounded, 4,000 bereaved children. A look at the future of the war in Iraq

'I don't want to be a daddy because daddies die,' said Jack Shanaberger, age four, following the death in Iraq of his father, Staff Sergeant Wentz 'Baron' Shanaberger, a military policeman from Louisiana. With his four brothers and sisters, Jack is among the nearly 900 American children who have lost a parent in Iraq. According to experts cited by Lisa Hoffman and Annette Rainville in a moving story for the Scripps Howard News Service, 'The proportionally higher number of American children left bereaved by the Iraq war is unprecedented.' Past U.S. wars were mainly fought by single men, but 40 percent of the 1,256 GIs killed in Iraq as of November were married, and 459, including six women, had children. Shana Corey tells her children that while '[you] might forget what your daddy looks like ... [you should] always remember his hugs, always remember his kisses, always remember his love.' They have felt their father's touch. Not so the children of the forty men who died while their wives were pregnant."

Full Story

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Fox News et al. Did Their Damndest to Spin This

and make it look like some scheming liberal reporter fed the unpatriotic question to some naive soldier, but

"Soldier Says He Asked Rumsfeld Armor Question Without Aid of Embed

Spc. Thomas Wilson says that he came up with the now famous armor question for Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld on his own, without the help of oft-criticized reporter Edward Lee Pitts. And he adds, 'If this is my 15 minutes of fame, I hope it saves a life.'

After his convoy arrived at Camp Arijan in Kuwait, Wilson found hundreds of fully armored vehicles promised to another unit months down the road [emphasis mine]. Wilson says he asked if the 278th could use them in the meantime, and was told no. That inspired his question about the shortage of armor, which he showed to Pitts.

The reporter, far from being the protagonist, suggested that he find 'a less brash way of asking the question,' but Wilson 'told him no, that I wanted to make my point very clear.'

Wilson says he also came up with three alternate questions on his own.

As for Rumsfeld's brusque response -- that even a fully armored vehicle 'Can be blown up'-- Wilson says, 'Personally, I didn't like that answer.'"

Especially since it's Wilson, not Rummy the compassionate, who could be blown up.

Bush Plays Santa to Ecoravishers

"Reversing a Clinton-era policy, the Bush administration opened 300,000 more acres of Alaska's Tongass National Forest on Tuesday to possible logging or other development. The decision allows 3 percent of the forest's 9.3 million acres, which were put off-limits to road building by the Clinton administration, to have roads constructed on them and perhaps to be opened to the timber industry."


American Christmas Card 2004

"Just two people and a babe in the manger,
given a heartless Government,
is no survival scheme."

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Exact Replica of Rumsfeld Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq

An exact replica of U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld made a surprise Christmas Eve visit with US troops fighting Bush's War three days after the devastating attack on a military dining hall, telling soldiers he remained confident of defeating the insurgency and stabilizing Iraq, while noting that to some "it looks bleak."

He spoke with all the compassion of his 1500-plus machine signature condolence letters thus far.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Scrooge the Hungry, Says Bush, I've Got My War to Pay for!

Charities forced to suspend programs
U.S. tightens budgetary belt by cutting food aid

In one of the first signs of the effects of the tightening U.S. budget, in the past two months the Bush administration has reduced its contributions to global food aid programs aimed at helping millions of people climb out of poverty.

With the federal budget deficit expanding and President George W. Bush promising to reduce spending, the administration has told representatives of several charities that it is unable to honor some promises.

The cuts to charities, estimated by some charities at up to $100 million, come at a time when the number of hungry in the world is rising for the first time in years and all food programs are being stretched.

As a result, Save The Children, Catholic Relief Services and other charities have suspended or eliminated programs that were intended to help the poor feed themselves.

BUSH'S WAR Turning Sour; Moneymakers Fleeing

"The explosion that killed 22 soldiers and contractors on an American army base in Mosul on Tuesday was probably the work of a suicide bomber, not a rocket attack, the Pentagon disclosed yesterday.

The discovery was chilling news for the US military, which is increasingly sharing its bases with Iraqi forces. It raises the possibility that their bases could be infiltrated and their troops hit at their most vulnerable point.

At least three American contractors from Halliburton, the US conglomerate, died in the explosion, the latest civilian casualties in a war where guerrillas target those working alongside the US military to weaken their war effort.

Reflecting the increasing danger to civilian workers and the soaring cost of protecting them, another large US contractor announced that it was pulling out of Iraq."


For Closest Resemblance, Fill with Hot Air

Bush is the Very First!

Bush is the first incumbent president to have an approval rating below 50 percent one month after winning re-election! Reality is returning!

He Does Have That Look in His Eyes...

FBI files implicate Bush in Iraqi jail abuses

"Violent abuse of prisoners by US forces in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay was widespread as recently as four months ago, according to documents released yesterday.

Secret FBI memorandums, which the Bush Administration was forced to release by a court order won by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), reveal the disgust of FBI officials who witnessed the abuse.

They also show that violence against prisoners, including the use of snarling dogs and forcing detainees to defecate on themselves, was still an interrogation tactic months after the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal caused outrage in April.

The White House denied an allegation in one memo that President Bush had signed a 'new executive order' authorising 'sleep management', stress positions, use of dogs, sensory deprivation and 'yelling at subjects and prisoners with hoods on their heads', methods forbidden for FBI agents."

"This is the person who, when told by Philadelphia journalist Bill Hangley on July 4, 2001 that he was 'very disappointed in your work so far,' responded 'Who cares what you think?' 'His face stayed photo-op perfect but his eyes gave me a look that said, if we'd been drinking in some frat house in Texas, he'd've happily answered, 'let's take it outside.' A nasty little gleam. But he was (fortunately) constrained by presidential propriety,' Hangley wrote in the version of his encounter that circulated the Internet during the summer 2001.

This is also the person who, in an interview with Tucker Carlson for Talk magazine mocked death-row inmate and born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, imitating her on a supposed Larry King Live broadcast saying, 'Please don't kill me.'"

Monday, December 20, 2004

America Regaining Consciousness; Vision Clearing...

"Poll: Most Americans Think Iraq War Not Worth Fighting
Over Half Think Rumsfeld Should be Replaced

Most Americans now believe the war with Iraq was not worth fighting and more than half want to fire embattled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the chief architect of that conflict, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The survey found that 56 percent of the country now believes that the cost of the conflict in Iraq outweighs the benefits, while 42 percent disagreed. It marked the first time since the war began that a clear majority of Americans have judged the war to have been a mistake."

Should have thought of that in November.


What, Me Person of the Year?

Time Does Amazing Mad Magazine Imitation!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

More on Bush's 'Mandate'

“'African American voters received letters on stolen NAACP letterhead claiming that because of the expected high turnout, Republicans were asked to vote on Tuesday Nov. 2 and all other parties were being asked to vote on Thursday Nov. 4,' Cobb said.

Similarly, some Florida seniors received a letter directing them to vote on November third. Republicans have largely denied all such letters and calls, blaming Democrats instead of dirty tricks.

However, stealing letterhead and using it for political purposes mirrors a tactic of top presidential advisor Karl Rove.

RAW STORY found that in a well documented incident in 1970, Karl Rove broke into the campaign office of Illinois Democrat Alan Dixon and stole Dixon’s letterhead. He used the letterhead to print up to 1,000 party invitations promising 'free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing.'

He then distributed the letter to homeless shelters."

Well, when you got a deserter for a candidate...


Saturday, December 18, 2004

Can't Get Enough of That Killing?

Sanitized Fallujah: Coming Soon to a Theater Near You

"Hollywood has joined the war. Universal Pictures announced yesterday that it is to make The Battle for Falluja. To prove it is serious, it has enlisted Indiana Jones himself, actor Harrison Ford, to help defeat the insurgency.

The film promises to depict the story from the point of view of US soldiers and politicians; it seems unlikely that the plight of the Iraqis will figure too prominently in Hollywood's take on the subject.

Writing last week for the online journal, West said: 'If America needs a hard job done, the marines will do it, and they won't lose their humanity in the process or any sleep over pulling the trigger. Yes, they are the world's most lethal killing machine. That's what America needs in battle.'"

Interesting logic, how being the "world's most lethal killing machine" involves no loss of humanity. I'll bet that later in life many actually do lose quite a bit of sleep over having pulled the trigger. But then they're not journalists.


Thursday, December 16, 2004

What's the Opposite of Enlightenment?

"'Why Didn't He Take Me?'If you are reading this after the rapture, you need to realize that you have been left behind. At this time, you may be feeling rejected by God. You might be saying to yourself, 'Why didn't He take me?' or 'I don't understand; I've led a good life.' The problem isn't that God rejected you; the problem is that you have rejected Him. By not committing your life to Jesus and by declining to follow Him, you have left Him with no choice but to leave you behind.

'Is There Hope For Me?'Depending on when you read this article, you may have heard people say, 'Because we've missed the rapture, we are lost forever.' That assumption is totally wrong! The only way you can find yourself eternally lost is by receiving the Mark of the Beast on your right hand or forehead. Barring that, as long as you have breath in your lungs, you can gain salvation by trusting in Jesus Christ as your Savior."

Additional endarkenment

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Inflation Legacy

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: your house isn't worth more, your dollars are simply worth less and it takes more of them to buy the same house. Your stocks aren't worth more. Your dollar is simply worth less and is collecting so little in interest that folks would rather put it ANYWHERE else before it falls even more. Oil doesn't cost more, it's just that no one is stupid enough to continue accepting the same amount of eroding dollars for a product that retains a particular amount of value and utility over time."

Mark M. Rostenko
Getting So Much Better All The Time
The Sovereign Strategist

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Buy Blue!

"You may have voted blue, but were you aware that every day, you unknowingly help dump millions of dollars into the conservative warchest? Simply by buying products and services from companies which heavily donate to conservatives, we have been defeating our own interests as liberals and progressives on a daily basis.

Buy Blue is a concerted effort to educate the public on making informed buying decisions as a consumer. We identify businesses which support our ideals and spotlight their dedication to progressive politics. In turn, we shine that spotlight on unsupportive businesses in the form of massive boycotts and action alerts."


Monday, December 13, 2004

67% of Canadians See What 51% of Americans Don't

"Nearly two-thirds of Canadians had an unfavourable view of U.S. President George W. Bush, even though most Canadians said they had a good opinion of Americans, suggests a poll done for The Associated Press.

At least seven in 10 in France, Germany and Spain said they had an unfavourable view of President Bush.

Polling found that Bush was viewed favourably by a majority of people in the United States. But that was not the case in Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

A majority of people in Britain, America's strongest ally in the Iraq war, had an unfavourable view of Bush. Six in 10 Britons said they were disappointed he was re-elected."

You can say that again.

Domestic Abuse

"Watch Dan Rather apologize for not getting his facts straight, humiliated before the eyes of America, voluntarily undermining his credibility and career of over thirty years. Observe Donna Brazille squirm as she is ridiculed by Bay Buchanan, and pronounced irrelevant and nearly non-existent. Listen as Donna and Nancy Pelosi and Senator Charles Schumer take to the airwaves saying that they have to go back to the drawing board and learn from their mistakes and try to be better, more likable, more appealing, have a stronger message, speak to morality. Watch them awkwardly quote the bible, trying to speak the 'new' language of America. Surf the blogs, and read the comments of dismayed, discombobulated, confused individuals trying to figure out what they did wrong. Hear the cacophony of voices, crying out, 'Why did they beat me?'

And then ask anyone who has ever worked in a domestic violence shelter if they have heard this before.

They will tell you: Every single day.

The answer is quite simple. They beat us because they are abusers. We can call it hate. We can call it fear. We can say it is unfair. But we are looped into the cycle of violence, and we need to start calling the dominating side what they are: abusive. And we need to recognize that we are the victims of verbal, mental, and even, in the case of Iraq, physical violence.

As victims we can't stop asking ourselves what we did wrong. We can't seem to grasp that they will keep hitting us and beating us as long as we keep sticking around and asking ourselves what we are doing to deserve the beating.

Listen to George Bush say that the will of God excuses his behavior. Listen, as he refuses to take responsibility, or express remorse, or even once, admit a mistake. Watch him strut, and tell us that he will only work with those who agree with him, and that each of us is only allowed one question (soon, it will be none at all; abusers hit hard when questioned; the press corps can tell you that). See him surround himself with only those who pledge oaths of allegiance. Hear him tell us that if we will only listen and do as he says and agree with his every utterance, all will go well for us (it won't; we will never be worthy).

And watch the Democratic Party leadership walk on eggshells, try to meet him, please him, wash the windows better, get out that spot, distance themselves from gays and civil rights. See the Democrats cry for the attention and affection and approval of the President and his followers. Watch us squirm. Watch us descend into a world of crazy-making, where logic does not work and the other side tells us we are nuts when we rely on facts. A world where, worst of all, we begin to believe we are crazy.

How to break free? Again, the answer is quite simple.

First, you must admit you are a victim. Then, you must declare the state of affairs unacceptable. Next, you must promise to protect yourself and everyone around you that is being victimized. You don't do this by responding to their demands, or becoming more like them, or engaging in logical conversation, or trying to persuade them that you are right. You also don't do this by going catatonic and resigned, by closing up your ears and eyes and covering your head and submitting to the blows, figuring its over faster and hurts less if you don't resist and fight back.

Instead, you walk away. You find other folks like yourself, 57 million of them, who are hurting, broken, and beating themselves up. You tell them what you've learned, and that you aren't going to take it anymore. You stand tall, with 57 million people at your side and behind you, and you look right into the eyes of the abuser and you tell him to go to hell. Then you walk out the door, taking the kids and gays and minorities with you, and you start a new life. The new life is hard. But it's better than the abuse.

We have a mandate to be as radical and liberal and steadfast as we need to be. The progressive beliefs and social justice we stand for, our core, must not be altered. We are 57 million strong. We are building from the bottom up. We are meeting, on the net, in church basements, at work, in small groups, and right now, we are crying, because we are trying to break free and we don't know how.

Any battered woman in America, any oppressed person around the globe who has defied her oppressor will tell you this: There is nothing wrong with you. You are in good company. You are safe. You are not alone. You are strong. You must change only one thing: Stop responding to the abuser.

Don't let him dictate the terms or frame the debate (he'll win, not because he's right, but because force works). Sure, we can build a better grassroots campaign, cultivate and raise up better leaders, reform the election system to make it fail-proof, stick to our message, learn from the strategy of the other side. But we absolutely must dispense with the notion that we are weak, godless, cowardly, disorganized, crazy, too liberal, naive, amoral, 'loose,' irrelevant, outmoded, stupid and soon to be extinct. We have the mandate of the world to back us, and the legacy of oppressed people throughout history.

Even if you do everything right, they'll hit you anyway. Look at the poor souls who voted for this nonsense. They are working for six dollars an hour if they are working at all, their children are dying overseas and suffering from lack of health care and a depleted environment and a shoddy education.

And they don't even know they are being hit."

Mel Giles


Sunday, December 12, 2004

Counting on a Pension?

President Bush could cut future promised retirement benefits for millions of workers by 6 percent, even with potential gains from private accounts.

Senior White House officials said in interviews that the president is looking at a dramatic overhaul of Social Security that would go much further than allowing private accounts because the system is rapidly going bankrupt.

The White House plans to portray Social Security as facing a potential $10 trillion shortfall in reserve funds for future decades that may require significant sacrifice from taxpayers.


Saturday, December 11, 2004

Their Care for Veterans Warms the Heart

"He lost his arm serving his country in Iraq.
Now this wounded soldier is being discharged from his company in Fort Hood, Texas, without enough gas money to get home. In fact, the Army says 27-year-old Spc. Robert Loria owes it close to $2,000, and confiscated his last paycheck.
'There's people in my unit right now - one of my team leaders [who was] over in Iraq with me, is doing everything he can to help me .... but it's looking bleak,' Loria said by telephone from Fort Hood yesterday. 'It's coming up on Christmas and I have no way of getting home.'"

Full sordid story

Friday, December 10, 2004

Bush's Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost

"Our entire Economy throughout the 20th Century was based upon cheap and available Crude Oil. This is going to change and dramatically so. 2005 is going to be hell on earth for Americans, 2006 far worse. It is best to consider what this means and if you have not begun to prepare for the coming Financial Disaster, it would be advisable to begin so immediately."

Bush Says Cheney Says "So What?"

"The value of Halliburton's Iraq contracts has crossed the $10 billion threshold. Halliburton has now received $8.3 billion in Iraq work under its LOGCAP troop support contract and $2.5 billion under its no-bid Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO) contract, a total of $10.8 billion.

The mounting value of the contracts has been accompanied by a growing list of concerns about Halliburton's performance. Over the last year, government auditors have issued at least nine reports criticizing Halliburton's Iraq work, and there are multiple criminal investigations into overcharging and kickbacks involving Halliburton's contracts. Former Halliburton employees have testified before Congress about egregious instances of over billing. Despite these concerns, the Bush Administration continues to reject the recommendations of its auditors that 15% of Halliburton's LOGCAP reimbursements be withheld until the company can provide better substantiation for its charges."

Full story

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Bush Takes Care of His Vets

"'I drove off in my truck. I packed my stuff. I lived out of my truck for a while," Seabees Petty Officer Luis Arellano, 34, said in a telephone interview from a homeless shelter near March Air Force Base in California run by U.S.VETS, the largest organization in the country dedicated to helping homeless veterans.
Arellano said he lived out of his truck on and off for three months after returning from Iraq in September 2003. 'One day you have a home and the next day you are on the streets,' he said.

In Iraq, shrapnel nearly severed his left thumb. He still has trouble moving it and shrapnel 'still comes out once in a while,' Arellano said. He is left handed.
Arellano said he felt pushed out of the military too quickly after getting back from Iraq without medical attention he needed for his hand -- and as he would later learn, his mind.

'It was more of a rush. They put us in a warehouse for a while. They treated us like cattle,' Arellano said about how the military treated him on his return to the United States."

Source (Requires (free) subscription)

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Marine Calls Iraq a "Criminal War"

"...The ex-marine, named Jimmy Massey, was deposing before the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board in Toronto on Wednesday to plead for another fellow American Jeremy Hinzman who deserted the US army over the Iraq war and is seeking a refugee status in Canada.

To bolster his claim for a refugee status, ex-marine Massey gave a first-hand account of the Iraqi war to prove that it was against international law and Hinzman was right in objecting to the killing of innocents.

Trigger-happy American troops indiscriminately killed innocent Iraqis and 'I was never clear who the enemy is, what are you doing there? This is a criminal war,' Massey told the Refugee Board."

Full Story


"Soldiers like Chris Schneider, Joel Gomez and Graham Alstrom want to know whether you are going to continue to stonewall their desire for official respect. What shall we tell them and others who seek that simple, decent official recognition? Please do not think that because you are a chronic non-responder to critical questions, you will be able to delay this growing demand indefinitely. Your hit and run photo opportunities with the troops just doesn't cut the mustard. Stand up and face it. It is the right thing to do by them.


Ralph Nader"

Full letter

Rumsfeld Boosts Troop Morale

It was meant to be a morale boost. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who, like most war proponents, lives behind a desk far from flying shrapnel, while on his way to another very safe desk in Iraq, stopped in Kuwait to boost troop morale. But Army Spc. Thomas Wilson, with the 278th Regimental Combat Team on its way to meetings with bullets and shrapnel in Iraq, acted like a real human being and asked, "Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up armor our vehicles? And why don't we have those resources readily available to us?"

Thus ambushed, Rumsfeld hid behind the nearest semantic barrier available, asking the soldier to repeat the question to give himself time to think of even a remotely plausible reply, but due to his chronic lack of preparation, his clips were empty. All the Secretary of Defense of the richest country in the world could come up with was "You go to war with the army you have and not the army you want or wish to have at a later time." And to drive the nail in the coffin for all the soldier funerals Bushwinkle will never attend in a million years, Rumsfeld went on to say warmheartedly that all the armor in the world still can't prevent a tank from blowing up. And by implication scattering smithereens of its occupants all over the landcsape, among them possibly the soldier now giving a career buttmunching desk jockey a pain in the ass.

Rummy just loves his men to death.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Who Needs Nature, Anyway?

"George Bush's new administration, and its supporters controlling Congress, are setting out to dismantle three decades of US environmental protection.

In little over a month since his re-election, they have announced that they will comprehensively rewrite three of the country's most important environmental laws, open up vast new areas for oil and gas drilling, and reshape the official Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The administration's first priority is the controversial plan to open up the Arctic Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling.

It plans to follow with an energy bill...[that] would investigate vast new tracts for exploitation for oil and gas. It will also encourage the building of nuclear power stations, halted since the 1979 Three Mile Island accident.

Far more radical measures are also under way... also announced [is] a comprehensive review of the Clean Air Act, one of the world's most successful environmental laws.

Environmentalists predict the emasculation of the Act, which has cut air pollution across the country by more than half over the last 30 years...the Republican chairman of the House Resources Committee, Richard Pombo, has announced a review of the Endangered Species Act, for the protection of wildlife. The law has been the main obstacle to the felling of much of the US's remaining endangered rain forest. And in a third assault, Congressional leaders have also announced an attack on the National Environmental Policy Act, which requires details of the environmental effects of major developments before they proceed.

Philip Clapp, president of the National Environmental Trust, said:... 'We will now see an assault on the law which will set the US in the direction of becoming a Third World country in terms of environmental protection.'"


Truly Clueless

US admits the war for ‘hearts and minds’ in Iraq is now lost

"The Pentagon has admitted that the war on terror and the invasion and occupation of Iraq have increased support for al-Qaeda, made ordinary Muslims hate the US and caused a global backlash against America because of the 'self-serving hypocrisy' of George W Bush's administration over the Middle East. The mea culpa is contained in a shockingly frank 'strategic communications' report, written this autumn by the Defence Science Board for Pentagon supremo Donald Rumsfeld.

On 'the war of ideas or the struggle for hearts and minds', the report says, 'American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended.'"

That's certainly not news to those with IQs. More proof that Dubya is America's first truly clueless president with a mandate.

Protect Yourself!

"What we're witnessing, it seems, is the culmination of a conscious, long-term effort by business and its conservative allies to emasculate government protection of its citizens. Meanwhile on the home front, individual Americans and, to a slightly lesser extent their European and Australian counterparts, continue to spend up to the hilt, using their house as a private bank to draw off capital, to keep the engines of growth churning along. The Real Estate bubble remorselessly grows ever larger to become by far the largest asset financial bubble the world has ever seen. Only the "galactic scale derivatives and hedge funds" monsters exceed it. The distortions in the global economy are at breaking point. All it needs is the trigger. The collapse of the US$ is the trigger....

When the bond, equity and real estate markets finally collapse, as they will, the scramble for precious metals will become the greatest mankind has ever seen. It will be propelled by mans most basic instincts: fear and survival. Remember, no man or country has ever issued digital currency or paper currency in the unconstrained, uninhibited and totally uncontrolled manner in which the US has done. No country has ever amassed debt on such a mind boggling scale. No country has ever allowed its savings to collapse to such a pitiful level. The misallocation of resources, and dislocation of the economy is quite simply enormous and unsustainable. These vast distortions cannot continue much longer. Like the laws of pure science and economics, the correction is long past overdue as the fundamentals that drive society take over their natural control of events. Mr. Greenspan and his Federal Reserve are just mortal human beings, after all. There is one much mightier than he. Hubris has always been, and will always be, mankinds' ultimate undoing."


Bush is Seeing to it: Soon You Won't Have a Leg to Stand on

"The FDA also relies on 'voluntary compliance' in asking drug companies to report evidence that their products might be harmful, and to withdraw drugs they believe might cause problems. Tragically, when the pharmaceutical giant Merck began to see evidence that its highly profitable arthritis drug Vioxx ($2.5 billion in sales in 2003) might be causing widespread heart problems, it ignored those findings. Dr. David Graham, associate director at the FDA's Office of Drug Safety, recently told Congress that by the time Merck withdrew the drug, Vioxx may have caused as many as 55,000 fatal heart attacks, or 18 times the death toll of the attacks of Sept. 11.

However, even that last bit of protection [being taken to court] is now under attack by the so-called 'tort reform' movement, which seeks to dramatically limit the financial penalties that juries can impose in cases of gross corporate misconduct or negligence. Corporate America has made passage of those bills its highest priority at the state and federal levels. With government agencies already defanged, removing the danger of large court awards would leave private citizens with almost no recourse."

From: Citizens Stripped of Protection
by: Jay Bookman


Sunday, December 05, 2004

What Happened to the Middle Class?

"The recent spate of sales figures and job numbers underscore an emerging picture for the economy: the gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening amid a draining of the middle-income ranks.

'The longer-term pattern is that the rich are getting richer,' said Standard & Poor's Chief Economist David Wyss. 'It's not so much that the poor are getting poorer, but there's a hollowing out of the middle class.'"

Gosh, aren't they 99.9% of the 53 million who voted for Bush? (The other 0.1% are rich)

When the Faith Hits the Fan

"Because these people believe that until Christ does return, the lord will provide. One of their texts is a high school history book, America's providential history. You'll find there these words: 'the secular or socialist has a limited resource mentality and views the world as a pie... that needs to be cut up so everyone can get a piece.' However, '[t]he Christian knows that the potential in god is unlimited and that there is no shortage of resources in god's earth... while many secularists view the world as overpopulated, Christians know that god has made the earth sufficiently large with plenty of resources to accommodate all of the people.'"

From: Battlefield Earth
By Bill Moyers

Thursday, December 02, 2004

On the Need for Psychos

"One of the Marines in the book [Generation Kill, by reporter Evan Wright] returns to California and is invited to be the guest of honor in a gated community in Malibu, a place where he could never afford to live. The residents want to toast him as a war hero.

'I'm not a hero,' he tells the guests. 'Guys like me are just a necessary part of things. To maintain this way of life in a fine community like this, you need psychos like us to go out and drop a bomb on somebody's house.'"

The New Guernica

"It's difficult to believe that in this day and age, when people are blogging, emailing and communicating at the speed of light, a whole city is being destroyed and genocide is being committed - and the whole world is aware and silent. Darfur, Americans? Take a look at what you've done in Fallujah."

-Female Iraqi blogger Riverbend

No Child Left Behind Who Isn't 4F

"The recruiters cited the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's sweeping new education law passed earlier this year. There, buried deep within the law's 670 pages, is a provision requiring public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only with access to facilities, but also with contact information for every student -- or face a cutoff of all federal aid."

Didn't know it was a recruiting tool, didja? You thought those neocon legislators were helping the kids...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Instead of an Ohio Recount

Instead of an Ohio recount, they sent Bush and Kerry to a frozen lake in South Dakota to have an ice fishing contest. No one was allowed to accompany them, and they were on their honor to let the guy who caught the most fish in five days become president. On the first day they went out in different directions. Kerry came back with 10 fish. Bush caught zero.
On the second day, Kerry caught 20 fish and again George W. came back fishless. When on day three Kerry brought back 25 fish and George W. still hadn't caught even one, Dubya got worried and telephoned Dick Cheney for advice.
"He's probably cheating," suggested Dick.
"Yeah, that would explain it. What should I do?"
Cheney suggested that instead of going fishing the next day, Bush
follow Kerry to see what he was doing.
At the end of day 4, Dubya called up Cheney and told him, "you were right, Dick, the bastard is cheating."
"What's he doing?" asked Cheney.
"He's cutting holes in the ice!"

Terror and Peanut Butter

"'Terrorists threaten our way of life,' said President Bush. 'Terrorists put the U.S. Constitution at risk,' added the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The U.S. State Department didn't begin counting terrorist deaths before the late '60s. Since then, even including the deaths from the... attack on the World Trade towers of September 11, 2001, the number of homicides resulting from terrorism has been about the same as the number of people who died from severe allergic reactions to peanut butter. Yet, since 2001, the U.S. government spent billions in efforts to protect Americans from terrorism. As far as we know, it spent none to protect us from peanut butter. For your editor, who is allergic to peanut butter, Skippy, Jiffy and Peter Pan represent a far bigger threat than Oussama or Moktar.

And all the terror incidents of the last 1,000 years have probably killed fewer people than the war George Bush launched against it three years ago.

The aim of terrorists is to terrorize. What they want to do is to create a mood of instability and hysteria-- luring their targets to overreact. In the language of Marxist terrorists of the '60s, their real aim is to radicalize the workers, moving them to join the cause.

That is just what the Bush administration seems to have done. Rather than calmly and quietly track down the perps, it blundered right into Iraq and stirred up terrorist ambitions all over the Middle East. Where previously there had been only a handful of fanatics to worry about, now there are thousands of them, radicalized, armed and motivated."

By Bill Bonner