Thursday, March 17, 2005


You know how it is. You lie well, you get elected, you lie even better, you get programs passed that enrich your friends and yourself (and your descendants, so you get a dynasty of inbred liars who herd the flock forever), but not overtly, because the one fixed rule about using complacency is that you don’t go around explaining reality; you don’t give actual wolf stats to the sheep. Everything must always appear as though nothing has really changed. Constitution, rule of law, banks like churches, churches like banks, piety everywhere, love of sheep, “We Love Sheep” posters and campaigns, brotherhood with lots and lots of cheap feed, miles of acreage, slaughter out of sight, status quo, nothing new, no surprises, good eating. But you do need a wolf once in a while - one at a time is fine - to show the sheep not only that you’re essential to their well-being, but that you’re doing your job: big approval rating, they love you, they need you, you are their leader, then you get the wool plus the meat, money in the bank and fine dining, while the sheep go right along with it all, never suspecting a thing, filing right into the corral, walking right up to the gun, trusting all the way. Complacency is the essential tool in any shepherd’s toolbox.