Friday, December 31, 2004


On November 2, 2004, over 59 million Americans voted for him (according to the media)...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to retain a President who was quoted as saying that Osama bin Laden (the mastermind behind the deaths of over 3000 people) is "not important"...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the slaughter of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi men, women, and children over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to approve the second class citizenship of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans...but NOT ME!

* Over 59 million Americans voted to re-elect a President with the worst job loss record since Herbert Hoover and the worst budget deficit in history...but NOT ME!