As the Dollar Approaches Free Fall...
"The question that begs to be asked is whether or not the world actually believes that US military action in two countries with no history of democracy - or military forces that can defend against anything - constitutes a situation whereby a clearly defined exit strategy is even possible. Does the world see Afghanistan and Iraq as long term and potentially permanent drains on the fiscal and military resources of the USA?
What we are seeing today is an appalling indifference by Americans to economic issues that affect the US economy and the consequences we will all face because of that indifference.
An example of the attitude bred by all the above is the three minutes given by most US news media today to the death of more than 21,000 people in a natural catastrophe and the 12 minutes given to how you can exchange your gift certificates or sell them on a new web site.
The public in the US simply does not care about anything but themselves, their pocketbooks and their personal pleasures."
Jim Sinclair (free [and recommended] membership)
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