Monday, January 17, 2005

Dubya Woulda Just Gone AWOL.

Soldier With Ill Son Called Back to Fight in Bush's War

"Small, frail but rambunctious, 16-month-old Will Fitzpatrick suffers from multiple birth defects. He'll need a second open-heart operation within six months and a transplant if he makes it into his teens.

His parents, Terry and Susan Fitzpatrick, have juggled their work schedules to provide the constant care Will needs -- daily medication, supplemental feedings through a gastric tube and regular sessions with his doctors and physical therapists.

Now the Fitzpatricks are facing a new crisis: The Army has ordered Terry, who was honorably discharged in 2000, back into uniform for duty in Iraq.

He is among more than 4,400 members of the Individual Ready Reserve who have been ordered back into the Army although they have completed their enlistments and are not required to attend Reserve drills and meetings.

The Fitzpatricks take turns caring for Will, with Terry working days and Susan mostly nights."


Dubya coulda weaseled outta this easy, with his daddy's pull, and then 30 years later be illicitly elected president! (With his daddy's connections, coupled with the intelligence of the American public.) Guess it's harder when you've got a regular dad, a GENUINE Honorable Discharge and no missing records. Still it's ironic that Dubya, with his terrible precedent for a president should be calling this guy back to duty to fight in Bush's Vietnam. But a lot weirder things are gonna happen, with Bush in charge. Wait till he makes his move on Iraq; they'll be drafting nuns and recalling grandparents.