Paying $1100 a Barrel for Oil, and Why Dubya Wants Your Social Security Money
"Why are we not buying our oil from Canada for $45 per barrel, but instead, stealing it from the Iraqis at a cost of around $1,100 a barrel? Information gained from the Energy Information Administration ( provides this data. When the number of barrels of Iraqi oil that we have imported is divided into the $300 billion we have spent on the war so far, the number comes to about $1,100 per barrel. From an accountant's standpoint, this doesn't seem like a very good deal.
Who's getting the $1100 per barrel? Certainly not the Iraqis. The money is going to Haliburton, Ratheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin, (among many others). Where is the $1100 a barrel coming from? Why it’s coming from continuing loans to the Government by the Federal Reserve. Where does the Federal Reserve get all this money? Why, they invent it, (the term counterfeiting comes to mind.) Who's responsible for paying back the billions and billions of funny money that the Government is spending, and the interest accrued on that funny money? Good question. If your answer is "the American People", you are not entirely correct.
There are two groups in the U.S. that don't pay taxes. Those two groups consist of the very poor, and the ultra rich. As a result, the middle class has been bestowed with the sole economic responsibility of repaying the obscene abomination known as the national debt. It's not enough for the middle class to support those who are unable to work as well as those who choose not to, but to also provide the a major source of wealth that is being siphoned off by the Central Bankers and distributed to the elitists.
Enter, Social Security Reform. Now politicians are suggesting that federal withholding revenues be redirected into the stock market. Wow! What an idea. That should keep the markets inflated for a little while longer. It could certainly give the Fed a new a new source of wealth to siphon off. But wait. One of the biggest myths about Social Security is that there is any money in the Social Security trust fund. The fund has been systematically tapped and squandered by every administration since its inception. It was an unconstitutional sleight of hand to begin with. It is, and has always been a Ponzi scheme, which depends on new workers to pay the old workers. Maybe that is why the present administration is doing everything in its power to tear down the borders and accommodate as many illegal aliens as possible. Maybe that's why they're attempting to raise the age of retirement. The privatization of Social Security is simply one more scheme to siphon off the wealth of the middle class through commissions and fees, and keep the stock and bond markets inflated for a little while longer. Do you see a pattern emerging here?" [Emphasis mine. S. P.]
Paradise Lost
Johnny Silver Bear
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