Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Powell IQ Slipping to Bush Level

His intelligence slipping even further than thought possible under the influence of the Bush administration, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell apparently believes that Muslims will overlook the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslim civilians in Bush's War, saying that images of the American military delivering supplies to tsunami victims might [he left a loophole though] improve the standing of the United States among Muslims around the world.

"We'd be doing it regardless of religion," Mr. Powell told reporters here. "But I think it does give the Muslim world and the rest of the world an opportunity to see American generosity, American values in action - that we care about every individual and the dignity of every individual."

Even vaporized Iraqi children?

(No mention either of care-about-every-individual rubberstamp condolence letters and care-about-the-dignity-of-every-individual unattended military funerals...)
