Halliburton Needs a New Pair of Shoes
Bushwinkle wants 80 billion more shrinking bucks to pay for the Bush wars in Afghaniran. That will make this the biggest US deficit in history, and a complete joke of the joker's promise to halve the deficit by 2009. Maybe find some WMDs while he's at it. Winkle says the funding "makes clear to terrorists that our resolve is firm, and we will complete our mission." He loves that resolve (read bonehead) mission stuff that lower-class kids get maimed and killed carrying out while he struts in the oval office, on battleship decks or atop piles of Manhattan rubble he's responsible for. None of this would have happened if he hadn't completely ignored those clear terrorist warnings back in 2001 ("I just don't wanna see these guys hijack a 747 and fly it into the World Trade Center"), or hadn't put Condi in charge of the intelligence hierarchy. Now in an even greater travesty (this guy is pure travesty!) she's in charge of even more. With those two at the top, I think the wise thing might be to just leave the country.
One version of the fiasco
One version of the fiasco
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