A Factoid for My Republican Friends
"I used to be a Republican myself. If we total all the deficits during Reagan, 1981-88, Bush I, 1989-92, and Bush II, 2001-04, and all the interest payments on that debt, to-date, it would come pretty close to all the Federal Debt outstanding! The last budget surplus was during Clinton and one before that was under Johnson, known for his Great Society programs. Bush II has proven to be the most financially irresponsible President that we know about. [Emphasis mine: SP] Propaganda that Republicans are good for the economy persists. Herbert Hoover was a Republican! (I believe that Herbert Hoover was ten times better man than Bush II and a far more competent man; he was a good man but at the wrong time on the Longwave calendar). If my prognostication comes true, Bush II couldn't have picked the worst time to get re-elected."
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