Tuesday, November 09, 2004

How 59 Million People Screwed Themselves 

Now let's look at what the international investment houses are saying will be a direct product of the reelection of the incumbent administration in the US:

1. Tax cuts will be made permanent. [Best for the rich]
2. Estate Tax will be reduced to zero. [Good only for the rich]
3. Social security will be revamped in ways not pleasing to the AARP. [Rich don't need pensions; this will help offset their tax cuts]
4. Tort Reform will cap medical malpractice awards. [Good only for the rich]
5. US oil and mineral production will be expanded on Federal land. [The rich get richer]
6. Deregulation of media will continue until there almost isn't any. [Excellent for the rich, who own the media that spin the masses]

From Jim Sinclair [Brackets mine]
(free membership)

The rest of America (excepting those in the highest income bracket, who media'd the masses into a Bush vote) is screwed too, but at least 55+ million voted against bending over.