CBS Does the Nasty on Bloggers
CBS is doing the nasty on Bloggers, the paid hitman accusing unsalaried bloggers of not fully certifying their election info re the presidential exit polls (what with their high budgets and expense accounts and all), though of course exit polls aren't the only source of questions about the election that are faithfully being followed up by bloggers to an extent not offered by the conventional mainstream media, who seem not to have picked up on it at all, since it has no 'legs' yet. Conventional media is not in the business of creating legs, only profiting from them. Professionally. I think CBS is just really miffed over the Dan-Rather-phony-document fiasco, wherein salaried and expense-accounted professionals didn't check, of all things, the facts, but bloggers did. They gave it the legs; CBS backpedaled. Hence, some weeks later, The Nasty.
[Nov 10 addendum : Media Black Out on Vote Fraud Allegations]
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