Sunday, February 13, 2005


Bush lauds conservative private investing for the young: and quick, before the markets crash and his backers lose a percent or two

While corporate insiders (Bush's buddies, much like Ken Lay was to Bush the First) who REALLY know how things are going are SELLING their own company shares 50 times more often than they are BUYING their own company shares, Dubya says, with all the honesty that got him into office, that the young of America should take his advice, step right up yowzah yowzah, and use the pennies in their personal accounts to prop up the collapsing stock market as a way to better control their retirements. He says they should get their life's blood out of social security and into their own hands, then jump in the water with the sharks, suggesting via his usual mathematical wizardry that this would net a young worker who averages $35,000 annually (as a Wal-Mart greeter?) in his lifetime nearly $250,000 when he leaves the workforce 40 years from now when the dollar is worth one sheet of toilet paper as a result of Dubya's clownship. If this Bush scam is followed, in 40 years the anonymous homeless will be without number.