Friday, February 25, 2005

Coward: With a Hush and a Whisper, Bush Drops Town Hall Meeting with Germans

"During his trip to Germany on Wednesday, the main highlight of George W. Bush's trip was meant to be a "town hall"-style meeting with average Germans. [Touted as a very big deal in all the rightist media, proof that their man actually 'had the goods'.] But with the German government unwilling to permit a scripted event with questions approved in advance, the White House has quietly put the event on ice. Was Bush afraid the event might focus on prickly questions about Iraq and Iran rather than the rosy future he's been touting in Europe this week?

Well, he can't just answer any old question, now can he? What if it's got a correct answer and he doesn't know it? ...He can always just fumble, like he always does...he represents Merka.
