"Barking Dog" Is Exactly Right
On Hardball Chris Matthews asked Robert Redford:
Matthews: "You were accused of saying that you were going to Ireland if Bush wins."
Redford: "Yeah, I think that came from O'Reilly. It wasn't true... I'm an American and I love it here and I'm not leaving because of some barking dog on T.V."
"Barking dog" is exactly right: the shrilly irritating, pointless noise of an unbalanced animal, usually chained, that belongs to someone else.
From CrooksAndLiars.com
Matthews: "You were accused of saying that you were going to Ireland if Bush wins."
Redford: "Yeah, I think that came from O'Reilly. It wasn't true... I'm an American and I love it here and I'm not leaving because of some barking dog on T.V."
"Barking dog" is exactly right: the shrilly irritating, pointless noise of an unbalanced animal, usually chained, that belongs to someone else.
From CrooksAndLiars.com
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