Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Dollar Knows Dubya

"The market for the US dollar has become so large that no central bank alone or in concert with others can cause a change in trend. Sure they can make an impact on a short term basis but this dollar bear will remain until new policies are in place that are certain to reverse the triple deficits...

... the story of the day is the continuing terrible action of the US dollar. The point of total "no return" is the 1995 low of .8194 that the recent breakdown of another bearish Head & Shoulders indicates will happen.

After that, the fat lady has officially sung and the sun will have set on the once mighty dollar.

When the history books are written, it will be said that the war on terrorism was grossly misjudged by the West given its view that terrorism resides at specific geographical locations including Iraq."
Jim Sinclair (free membership)

Now who would misjudge so grossly, apart from 59 million spin-swallowing voters?